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  • £95.00£495.00
  • £95.00£495.00


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  • £95.00£495.00

    Biffy Clyro

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    A portrait of Biffy Clyro I photographed  in the hotel we were staying at near Exeter. The band were playing BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend the following day and the hotel kindly cleared out a function room so I could set up a studio. We did a shoot in there and then went around the village doing various location shots. A good day with top guys and a great performance the next day.  Photographer: Simon Sarin
  • £195.00£595.00


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  • £95.00£495.00


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    Portrait of Blossoms photographed backstage in Manchester, England in 2018
  • £95.00£495.00


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    Portrait of Blossoms photographed in Stockport, their home town. I was supposed to do all the photos in a cafe but it was a bit of a boring location so I pissed off to do a reccy for locations when we had a break. As I was wandering around I saw what I thought was a scrapyard. I was looking over the fence when some bloke came out and asked me what I was doing, I told him I was shooting a band for Q Magazine and was looking for some locations. He told me it was actually his garden and that I was most welcome to photograph the band there. He was a top bloke and he even let me come in his house and shoot out of the huge window on the second floor, which was his lounge. Also as it was a cash for question feature for the magazine and the guy bizarrely had a wad of photocopied fifty pounds notes, I didn't want to ask why or what he had them for. The band later burnt them as I snapped away…..a good day all round. Photographer: Simon Sarin
  • £95.00£495.00
  • £95.00£495.00

    Circa Waves

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    Circa Waves photographed in a studio I set up backstage at The Oxford Academy. I was commissioned to do a feature on the band and we did a location shoot around Oxford before returning to the venue to some more serious moody shots. I took this backstage after soundcheck before we went for a curry and the band played live. Photographer: Simon Sarin
  • £95.00£495.00

    Deap Vally

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    Deap Vally photographed backstage, before they played Reading Festival. I was asked to do a reportage shoot of the band performing at Reading Festival. I had photographed them quite a few times beforehand and my photos were used on their debut album Sistrionix. A cool band who played an excellent set and are always a joy to photograph and hang out with. Photographer: Simon Sarin
  • £95.00£495.00

    Ed Sheeran

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    Ed Sheeran photographed in a studio I set up at The Roundhouse in Camden, London. Ed arrived and I didn't know that he had broken his arm in a bicycle accident and like true bellend I went to shake his hand until I heard him say "no, no ,no" and realised he had a cast and sling on his arm. After that faux pas we got on with the shoot. He was a really nice guy and you can see the sling across his right shoulder in the photograph. Photographer: Simon Sarin
  • £95.00£495.00

    Fat White Family

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    Portrait of Fat White Family photographed backstage at Reading festival, England in 2014
  • £95.00£495.00

    Franz Ferdinand

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    Franz Ferdinand photographed in Somerset House in London. The band were playing live later that evening and wanted some portrait shots before they played. When I arrived they were having an afternoon kip, so I went and had a coffee and some food backstage. When they woke up and were ready, Alex the lead singer wanted to give me a tour of the house with all its secret rooms underneath. He had been shown earlier by the guys who worked there. After the tour of the house we got to work and went from room to room taking photos. After we finished we ate and I then photographed them playing live to sold out crowd on a beautiful summers night. Photographer: Simon Sarin
  • £95.00£495.00

    Happy Mondays

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    Shaun Ryder lead singer of Happy Mondays photographed in a studio in Camden, London. I photographed this shot with a fisheye Lens. As I got in close, I told Shaun I was using a fisheye Lens, which he jokingly said "Nah you can't do that, look the size of my nose, the fisheye will make it look massive" I replied "Look at the fucking size of mine" he then jokingly pretended to strangle me and I took this shot! Photographer: Simon Sarin
  • £95.00£495.00


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    Portrait of IDLES photographed backstage in Glasgow, Scotland 2018.
  • £95.00£495.00

    Jack White

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    Candid photo I took of Jack white backstage, just before going on stage to perform with The Raconteurs, also backstage with him were some members of the strokes. Photographer: Simon Sarin
  • £95.00£495.00

    Jake Bugg

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    Portrait of Jake Bugg photographed in Notting Hill, London, England